Celebrating Worldwide Music Day

Set to take place on 21 June 2014 – the day of the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Worldwide Music Day events are planned in 520 cities around the world. Thanks to musicians, bands, choirs, orchestras, soloists and DJs performing free of charge, events are open to the public to enjoy. The concept of Worldwide Music Day was initiated in 1982 by French cultural minister at the time, Jack Lang, with the first Fête de la Musique taking place in Paris. The concept soon spread to other countries and has become a hugely successful event that continues to grow.

In line with the ‘Declaration of Principles’ participants agree to adhere to, the event promotes spontaneous and free participation by individuals or ensembles, as well as musical institutions, in order to give both professionals and amateurs the opportunity to express their talent and creativity. Events generally take place in public squares, streets, parks, playgrounds and other outdoor venues, as well as museums, hospitals, train stations and other buildings where the public have free access.

Since 1994, the coordination of the event has been the responsibility of independent cultural association ADCEP (Association pour le développement de la Création, Etudes et Projets) which undertakes to: encourage local associations, cultural centers, municipalities, etc. to participate in Worldwide Music Day; create a network to provide project directors with artistic and technical advice; and to gather and distribute the event’s programs and oversee distribution of promotional material to raise awareness of the event.

Worldwide Music Day is supported by Musicians without Borders (MwB), a global nonprofit network that uses the therapeutic power of music as an instrument of healing and reconciliation for people living in areas suffering conflict. Established in 1999, MwB has developed and implemented multiple music-based projects, as well as participated in music festivals and conferences all with a view to providing uplifting experiences. In the words of the legendary Bob Marley: “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Results coming out of the MwB project show that not only does music cause “no pain”, it has great power to heal and unite.