A Little Music For Our Ears?
Most of us have had our lives touched by music to some degree – certainly if you are visiting this website then you likely are very fond of it yourself. You likely also know that music has so many different facets and variations that it would be impossible to put it all down in one short page. Instead, we will focus here on the general aspects of music – a small doorway to the wide, wide world of melody.
There are many different ways to create music. The most basic is probably with the voice, however even that can be quite complicated. The human voice is capable of not only producing numerous sounds, but also producing most of these sounds on different octaves for varying lengths of time. Thus, the possibilities for a well-trained voice to create a hauntingly beautiful sound or a happy tune are virtually endless. This is why the human voice is considered by many to be a musical instrument.
Another aspect of music is that created on instruments. There is a huge variety of musical instruments available all over the world. While some are quite unusual, enchanting and ancient, others are very popular and are almost synonymous with a certain music style. Most musicians will specialize in only one or two musical instruments and then learn to control them to the utmost – simply because it takes many years to master them.
Composers are usually musicians who have mastered their musical instruments to such a degree that they are able to create new musical tunes with them. Of course, not everyone – not even the most ardent student – will have the ability to write new music. Great talent is needed too. This talent and knowledge combine to form the driving force behind many of the masterpieces that have been produced and continue to be created over the years.
When it comes to playing more than one instrument, a conductor of some sort
is usually required. In a small group, the leader of the group usually takes
on this role to some degree. His guidance is usually open to discussion and
the band members are more fully involved. When one talks about the meaning of
the word “conductor” in the classical sense, it really involves someone who directs the playing of an orchestra. The conductor does not actually play any instruments while the group makes the melody, he simply looks at an overall score of music and ensures that each group and individual know where
they are to join in on the melody to ensure a harmonious and beautiful tune.
The conductor will also keep the pace and encourage his musicians to play softly or strongly as the musical piece dictates.
Modern methods of creating music have lead to other forms of “conducting”. DJ’s (disk jockeys) are perhaps the most common. These musical maestros mix music and play to massive audiences – both over radio and live – carefully catering to both their individual tastes and the current music trends. Many DJ’s also compose music – though some have never played a musical instrument of their own. Electronic technology allows them to mix whatever sounds they wish to create ever new forms of music.
Whatever form of music you enjoy most, you can be sure that you are not alone. The world is filled with lovers of tune, melody, bass and pitch. The various styles and their endless possibilities captivate the minds and hearts of people all over the world – making it just that little bit smaller and more familiar to us all.